Predictor is all you need to execute high impact Account Based Marketing Campaigns


Profile your Known & Unknown Visitors on real-time using CRM and behavioural data to map them to Named Accounts.


Reach Buyers from Named Accounts wherever they are and communicate with personalised AD campaigns.


Surface relevant content for each visitor using real-time Website personalisation, Smart popups & Notifications.


Close deals faster through Insight led Sales. Enable seemless information exchange throughout the deal cycle.

Predictor is the best platform for Account Based Marketing.


Increase in C-level engagements


Marketers acheive higher ROI


Increase in deal close rate for large accounts

ABM programme setup
is a simple three step procedure.

Build your Account list

Identify accounts matching your Ideal customer profile definition. Refine with firmographic, intent, engagement, and relationship data.

Design and launch campaigns

Run focussed multi-channel pre-targeting, retargeting, and email outreaches across LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, and top display networks.

Activate Your Sales Team

Deliver engagement insights to sales reps and arm them to close deals faster

Account-based Advertising (ABA)

Marketers may enhance clickthrough rates, engagement on landing pages, and the ability of sales teams to generate more chances and complete deals more quickly thanks to account-based display advertising.


Go for the Clicks that matter the most

PredictorABM can display your display advertising assets in front of the identified Account contacts using data-driven targeting methods. With ABA, you may conserve your hard-earned marketing funds while boosting your marketing ROI through higher CTR and reduced CPC.


Ad Personalisation at scale

Serving highly targeted ads from the target accounts to the appropriate people based on engagement, intent, and CRM data are some examples of marketing qualities. Utilize it in conjunction with PredictorABM's Engage module to dynamically personalise landing pages and increase interaction.


Automate ad delivery and measure results

Master your centralised campaigns, trigger advertisements, and ad creatives on the best business websites and social media platforms. PredictorABM supports all sizes and types of advertisements, including native, static, and rich media banners as well as video. Keep track of customer interactions to gather useful account intelligence.


Brand Safety comes built-in

PredictorABM guarantees that adverts only appear on reputable business media, protecting sponsors' brands. As a result, there is a lower chance of ad placement errors and brand reputation is safeguarded.

Digital Advertising is getting more competitive & yet inevitable

PredictorABM helps top marketing firms and agencies perform better than rivals. You may now, too.

Advertisers use Ad placement & audience targeting as the top optimization tactics


Marketers thought that paid advertising is "very important" or "extremely important"


Advertising budgets are wasted in acquiring irrelevant leads in
the top of the funnel stage.

Best practices for Account based display Advertising

Well designed ABA programs can provide upto 10x uplift in results.

Make ABA part of your ABM program

Use targeted Account-based Advertising, alongside your other marketing efforts to deepen and broaden account engagement.

Establish a targeting strategy

From Demand generation, to accelerating your deal Pipeline to account expansion, execute ABA for Pre-targeting, Retargeting use-cases.

Experiment and Iterate

Start a pilot with a small list of accounts, run A/B tests to get all the variables right. Identify goals and metrics where results can be measured and improved.